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What can I expect from a QiGong class?

Apart from gaining physical and mental health benefits, the experience of awareness to one’s whole being is both empowering and enlightening, which builds confidence and will become part of everyday life.

Be warned you may experience life-changing positive effects!

In each class you will be introduced to 4 basic principles (there are more depending on the focus / theme of the class):

  1. Breath: to quieten the nervous system and the over-thinking mind

  2. Qi Activation: warming up to ‘wake-up Qi’

  3. Qi Releasing: reducing physical tension enabling Qi to flow

  4. Flowing movements: moving meditation that circulates and strengthens Qi - this is where the ‘magic’ happens

1st, 2nd & 3rd principles - working with Qi

4th principle - Qi flowing within us

The class is practiced in bare feet, (see below "what do I need to wear ..") standing or can be seated on a chair.

Some classes may contain floor work.

What is the QiGong style?

The style is based on the teachings of Lee Holden*, with whom I have gained my QiGong teaching certification.

However, I continue to follow and embrace teachings, philosophies and techniques from other QiGong Masters and Teachers, and with my background in movement styles including Dance, Yoga, Pilates and Somatics,**which may influence how the practice is taught.​

* Lee Holden was influenced, taught by and worked with Grand Master Mantak Chia as well as studying under numerous Masters and Teachers in Asia and the USA.

** lineage from the Feldenkrais Method

What do I wear and bring to a class?

"If your senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing) are at ease then the benefits will manifest."

Comfortable Clothing to allow for:

  • freedom of movement

  • body warming and cooling

  • preservation of dignity

  • body alignment visibility

best avoid belts, zips, buttons, etc. which may cause restriction, discomfort or pain

Footwear: bare feet is preferable - alternatively non-slip socks, "Tai Chi shoes" or close fitting shoes with a very thin sole

Equipment: you may wish to bring your own yoga type mat to stand on

Refreshment: ​please bring water in a spill proof bottle

Mobile, digital and electronic devices are to be switched-off during the class.

Above all come to the class with an open mind and heart



Copdock & Old Ipswichian Cricket Club

Old London Road

Copdock, Suffolk.  IP8 3JN


09:15 am to 10:30 am


Pre-booking is required


Hadleigh Old School

3-5 Bridge Street

Hadleigh, Suffolk.  IP7 6BY


09:30 am to 10:45 am


Pre-booking is required

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