The Woodland
I have the privilege of being granted permission to lead Forest Bathing Sessions in beautiful ancient, privately owned and managed, woodland south-ish of Hadleigh, Suffolk, UK.
Location, directions, maps, etc. will be provided when your booking has been confirmed.
Why these woods?
Connecting to Nature - led or unled - can take place in a number of different landscapes and locations, ranging from your own garden, within public spaces, and all the way through to wild landscapes where nature is truly left to run wild and free with very little interference from mankind.
All have advantages and disadvantages for us human beings looking to reinstate our connection to ourselves and nature.
What I truly love about the wonderful woods, in which I have permission to lead Forest Bathing sessions, is that it is quiet and natural yet with a welcoming and comforting energy.
"There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more."
Lord Byron
About the woods
The beautiful 200 acres of ancient woodland supports an array of flora, fauna and wildlife.
The landowners long-term management plan is to empathetically maintain and develop this wonderful area of biodiversity and the two full time woodsmen employed are there to fulfill that plan.
Therefore access to any part of the the land is with permission only ensuring protection for all the native wildlife, whose home the woodland is, and for our own safety.
"It is remarkable how many creatures live wild and free though secret in the woods."
Henry David Thoreau
The routes and trails
Whilst the woodland is relatively level, the routes & trails are varied i.e. wide, narrow, rutted & uneven, grassy, old concrete, wet, muddy, etc. having been created over many years by the variety of wildlife and by man going about his work.
Points to be aware of
The Land Owner asks that Forest Bathing participants are aware that:
they are permitted on the Land for the allotted pre-organised Forest Bathing session only and not at any other time
access to the Land, and walking through, is via forestry tracks and natural pathways
there is no signage to or within the woodland - location, directions and maps will be provided
the Land Owner and the Permit holder accept no responsibility for damage to personal property or vehicles and request that when accessing the land to:
drive slowly, carefully and respectfully along the designated routes only
park carefully and respectfully in the allocated parking area only
there are no toilets or washing facilities available on the Land