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Forest Bathing



Please find below the answers to questions that I am asked.

If you have further questions please read through the website pages accessed from the drop-down Forest Bathing menu above, before contacting me.

  • Does Forest Bathing involve swimming?
    No it doesn't - well not the sessions I lead anyway
  • Can I bring my dog or my children?
    Sorry no. The Forest Bathing sessions I lead are for human adults only.
  • Can I use my walking poles or walking aids?
    The routes within the woodland are not suitable for wheelchairs, walkers, Nordic Poles or any other walking aid. The woodland is ancient, the terrain is varied even though it is reasonably level. All that said we will be walking mindfully and in 'Forest Time' i.e. at very slow pace. We may, as part of the experience, find spaces in which to sit or 'perch' (there are no benches only what Nature provides) or 'get-up-close' which may be more effective from a bending or kneeling position. Please do contact me if you would like to discuss further.
  • Why do you charge for Forest Bathing?
    😂 sadly a question I am asked too frequently! Being self-employed means that it is down to me to provide not only everything that makes up and supports the sessions, i.e. insurances, licenses, ongoing training, 1st Aid training, equipment, marketing, advertising, website hosting, financial charges, taxes, etc. and when I am not leading the sessions then I am researching, planning, organising, accounting and general administration. Of course there are my personal costs that comes with life and living and it would be nice to be remunerated for my experience, knowledge, skills and time. Thus the session fee is my pay, just as one would expect being employed but without the benefits of holiday, sick pay and all the other entitlements that come with being employed.
  • How long does a session last and how far do we walk?
    All sessions are different and depends on weather conditions, the environment, the theme, and dynamics of the participants, etc. Approximately each session will last 2 hours and the route is no further than 2 miles. Please read Forest Bathing Sessions,
  • How many are in a group?
    A maximum of 8 participants.
  • Why can't your disclose where the woodland is?
    The woodland is privately owned and it is also managed to improve the biodiversity. See the webpage Forest Bathing - The Woodlands I have permission to hold Forest Bathing sessions in any part of the 200 acre woodland on condition that I liaise with the woodland's manager to ensure that the sessions do not interfere with any works (scheduled or otherwise) and for the safety of session participants. Therefore, prior to the monthly sessions I walk the routes checking for any hazards (among other things) and I liaise with the woodlands manager as to any works that might affect the session. Then I can confirm the details of locations, etc. to booked participants via email which will arrive in your inbox approximately 3 days before the session starts, to enable you to prepare for your Forest Bathing experience.
  • Where will the sessions take place?
    The woodlands are located south-ish of Hadleigh, Suffolk. UK. Please see the answer to question: "Why can't your disclose where the woodland is?"
  • What are the woodlands like?
    The Woodland is a natural and ancient environment that is carefully and empatheticly managed. I have the landowner's permission to lead planned Forest Bathing sessions within the woodland but only, with notice and agreement with the woodland manager. There is an area allocated in which to park. There are no toilets, washing facilities or signage. The woodland is beautifully natural and while being relatively level i.e. no hills, the routes & trails are varied; wide, narrow, rutted, uneven, grassy, old concrete, wet & muddy, etc. This is because the routes have been created over many years by variety of wildlife, whose home it is, and by man going about his work caring for the woodland. The woodland enables a true immersion and reconnection with Nature.
  • Is there car parking, toilets and other facilities?
    Within the woodland there is an area allocated in which to park. There are no toilets or other facilities. Please read Forest Bathing - The Woodlands Please note that neither the land owner nor myself, who has permission to access the land to lead forest bathing sessions, will be held responsible for any damage to any person, personal property or vehicles.
  • How do I book my place on a Forest Bathing session?
    Please go to to select and book your session.
  • What if I am too late to book onto a session?
    Do contact me and I will add your name to the session should there be space. If there is no space I will be able to notify you should a place becomes available.
  • Do I need to prepare?
    It is advisable, yes. Forest Bathing Preparation page for some information and suggestions.
  • What if I need to cancel or change my session?
    Body Mind as One’s “No Refund” policy for Forest Bathing session fee(s) paid There are no refunds should the ticket holder: Cancel Arrives after the session has started i.e. the ‘gates’ are closed Does not turn up for the session The ticket holder may request to reschedule their session providing the request is made up to 5 days before the session starts. In the event of a session being cancelled. All ticket holders will be notified and will be offered a choice of alternative sessions.
  • What if I am running late for the session start?
    It would be better for you to return home but please text me to let me know should this be the case. Though I probably won't pick up the text till after the session has completed Why is this? The sessions start promptly at 08:00 (am) and the gates are opened at 07:30 (am). My permission is to lead a "group" of 8 (maximum) within the 200 acre private woodland. Arriving late would make it a challenge to find the rest of the group within the woodland and you would miss the introductory information & welcome and the 1st invitation to connect. Late arrival is disruptive to fellow Forest Bathers and their own experience. To cite but a few reasons ..... --------------- Body Mind as One’s “No Refund” policy for Forest Bathing session fee(s) paid There are no refunds should the ticket holder: Cancel Arrives after the session has started i.e. the ‘gates’ are closed Does not turn up for the session The ticket holder may request to reschedule their session providing the request is made up to 5 days before the session starts. In the event of a session being cancelled. All ticket holders will be notified and will be offered a choice of alternative sessions.
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